

I think this is the first time i write blog by using English, this is because the company that i'm working now is not be able to type mandarin... so no choice...=.=

Suddenly, i having a question in my mine...... "did i really enjoy in this job?"
"i don't know..."

Today is the third day that i work, yesterday i have start to pick up phone and response to caller. The first time, my nervous cause me transfer phone to other staff without asking his name.... the first mistake.....

Yesterday, i had serve a first interviewee, i forgot to give him the test paper that should be done by him..... the second ble mistake.....

actually i had done many mistake, but since that not really seriously, so it is ok.
but for myself, i feel not really accept my own performance....

i miss to laugh...... i din laugh actually since this 3 days...
7am wake up, prepare everything, 8am start my journey to work...
8.25am, i reach my office, there is not yet people come except the person who responsible to open the door.

i sit at my place, face to the computer.......
then do nothing.....

ya, not meant that is very free for this job, and not really busy for this job too....
but but but but but but..... i dunno how describe...
that is i feel that is not enjoy.... and... tied.....
i don't like to face computer....
i don't like to work at formal place...
i don't like to work like a robot....
i don't like all about this...

i hate myself like this....
don't know what im actually want...
that i want i don't have ability to have it...

i hate my worst and poor type of health....
i hate my worst headache... always disturb my concentration... affect my mood....

it is difficult to be happy....?
i just want to happy... smile.... from my own feeling...
enjoy the job i like....
enjoy the job that can let me use my perfect knowledge....

why a clever... perfect people must be the top student, that should be work in office.. do some paper work... wear formal formal...
ya! im not the one of the person! i can't do it as well!
please.... i really confuse on my mine...
since im child until now....
i even haven't done anything that i would like to do actually.....

i would like to take course in mass com.... since after form 5....
but.... the cost fees is very high....
but... parent did't support me....

i want to be a DJ or Host....
but... parent worry about my healthy... because DJ will always be busy... and maybe will work whole day...
so i agree to be a host, as i like it too...
but now... i still don't have the ability to take the course...

for now... i don't know what i want actually....
HEADACHE NOW!!!!!!!!!!

still leave 10min to leave office...
like ten years to be pass...




整整花了不到十五分钟,4.15pm左右离开了那儿,就赶紧赶到one stop,因为本来约好4pm间的铨在那里等着了,真糟糕!对他真得很抱歉。

跟了他的车,到了teluk pahang的海边,已经4.45pm了。


感恩 2021, 你好 2022

 疫情年 过去又一年,艰难地挺过去。 把公司完完全全买下, 回头想想 都不知道我们是怎么挨过的, 感恩大姐的出手相助,老郭非常棒地处理好公司的运转❤❤❤❤ 幸运地,一切都慢慢地好起来,其实有些 难题  与其纠结它解不解决得了 倒不如硬着头皮闯一闯,或许情况不一定很糟😊 2021...